Local Authority Framework Agreements

If you’re a business owner operating within a specific geographic location, you’ve probably heard of the term “local authority framework agreements”. If not, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll discuss what local authority framework agreements are and how they can benefit your business.

What are local authority framework agreements?

Local authority framework agreements are contracts that are established between a local authority and a group of suppliers. The contracts outline the terms and conditions that the suppliers must adhere to when providing services to the local authority.

These agreements are usually established for a set period of time, typically between two to four years. During this time, the suppliers included in the agreement can bid for work related to the category of goods or services specific to the framework agreement.

Benefits of local authority framework agreements for businesses

Increased visibility

One of the main benefits of being included in a local authority framework agreement is the increased visibility it provides to your business. By being included in the agreement, your business is automatically listed as an approved supplier for relevant goods or services, making you more visible to potential customers.

Increased business opportunities

Local authority framework agreements can provide your business with a steady stream of work opportunities. As the local authority is obligated to use the approved suppliers listed in the agreement, it can lead to an increase in business opportunities for your company.

Increased revenue

By being included in a local authority framework agreement, your business can benefit from the increased visibility and business opportunities, which can lead to an increase in revenue.

Improved reputation

Being included in a local authority framework agreement can also help improve your business reputation. As the local authority has approved your business, it can act as a stamp of approval and provide reassurance to potential customers.


By being included in a local authority framework agreement, your business can benefit from increased visibility, business opportunities, revenue, and improved reputation. If you’re a business owner operating in a specific geographic location, it’s worth exploring the local authority framework agreements that are relevant to your industry and see if your business can benefit from being included.

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